AzCHER Event Calendar

102 – Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)/Nursing Home Incident Command System (NHICS)

Virtual - Zoom Meeting

This course provides learners foundational knowledge on Hospital Incident Command System (HICS). The purpose HICS is an incident management system based on principles of the Incident Command System (ICS), which assists hospitals and healthcare organizations in improving their emergency management planning, response, and recovery capabilities for unplanned and planned events. Register in advance for this meeting here. After registering, you ...

AzCHER Chemical Surge Pre-Tabletop Training – Virtual

Virtual AZ, United States

AzCHER is pleased to offer our Chemical Surge Tabletop Exercise (TTX) and Pre-TTX Training focused around the first responder, healthcare, public health, emergency management, and AzCHER response to a chemical surge incident. There will be three offerings of the same exercise, two in-person and one virtual. March 12, 2024:  Tucson March 14, 2024:  Flagstaff April 2, 2024:  Virtual Please register ...

Hospital Emergency Response Team (HERT) Training

Valleywise Health - Main Campus 2601 E. Roosevelt St. - Auditorium #1, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Valleywise Health Medical Center - Main Campus will be conducting an in person HERT course on February 24, 2024. Space is limited so sign up as early as possible. After the selection process has been completed,  AzCHER will send you further instructions regarding how to register for CDP HERT training and other related information about the course. Individuals that have ...

170 – Introduction to Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

Virtual - Zoom Meeting

This course will teach participants how to conduct their own Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) and why it is important to their emergency preparedness programs. It will go over a commonly used HVA tool that includes a systematic approach to analyzing hazards that may affect demand for hospital services, or a facility’s ability to provide those services, helping to prioritize planning, ...

AzCHER Chemical Surge Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Tucson location

Abrams Public Health Center 3950 S. Country Club Rd., Tucson, AZ, United States

AzCHER is pleased to offer our Chemical Surge Tabletop Exercise (TTX) focused around the first responder, healthcare, public health, emergency management, and AzCHER response to a chemical surge incident. There will be three offerings of the same exercise, two in-person and one virtual. March 12, 2024:  Tucson March 14, 2024:  Flagstaff April 2, 2024:  Virtual Please register for the TTX ...

AzCHER Chemical Surge Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Flagstaff location

Aurora Surgical Center 1254 West University Avenue, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

AzCHER is pleased to offer our Chemical Surge Tabletop Exercise (TTX) and Pre-TTX Training focused around the first responder, healthcare, public health, emergency management, and AzCHER response to a chemical surge incident. There will be three offerings of the same exercise, two in-person and one virtual. March 12, 2024:  Tucson March 14, 2024:  Flagstaff April 2, 2024:  Virtual Please register ...

Performance-Based Assessment

Valleywise Health - Main Campus 2601 E. Roosevelt St. - Auditorium #1, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Valleywise Health Medical Center - Main Campus will be conducting a Performance-Based Assessment on March 16, 2024. Space is limited so sign up as early as possible.  Individuals that have not been selected for the March 16th training course will be saved for future courses. Deadline for registration will be March 8, 2024. Objective: The primary focus of this functional ...

AzCHER Chemical Surge Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Virtual

Virtual - Zoom Meeting

AzCHER is pleased to offer our Chemical Surge Tabletop Exercise (TTX) and Pre-TTX Training focused around the first responder, healthcare, public health, emergency management, and AzCHER response to a chemical surge incident. There will be three offerings of the same exercise, two in-person and one virtual. March 12, 2024:  Tucson March 14, 2024:  Flagstaff April 2, 2024:  Virtual We encourage ...

110 – Introduction to Writing Emergency Plans

Virtual - Zoom Meeting

Join the AzCHER team in the newly developed “Introduction to Writing Emergency Plans” training! This training details the preparedness and response components necessary for planning within the emergency management cycle. Register in advance for this meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.All-hazards emergency plans are important for healthcare organizations to ensure ...

190 – New Member Orientation

Virtual - Zoom Meeting

What is a healthcare coalition? What is AzCHER? This introductory course will explain what it means to be an AzCHER member and all of the benefits that come with it. Register in advance for this meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


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