With the help of regional planning workgroups, AzCHER annually updates two major plans: the Integrated Preparedness Plan and the Emergency Response Plan. The Coalition met its overall goal to have representation from each core member type (hospital/healthcare, public health, emergency management, and EMS) and aligned AzCHER plans with member plans.
Integrated Preparedness Plan
The Statewide Planning Manager updated the Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) as outlined by the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) plan template. General membership reviewed and approved the plan on June 28, 2023, with 100% approval. Four regional IPP workshops were convened to provide input on the development of the plan and associated trainings and exercises. The workshops were representative of AzCHER general membership and included representatives from each of the core member types. Key IPP elements were presented to each regional General Body meeting in June. Highlighted were the preparedness priorities, planning factors, and supporting trainings and exercises.
Emergency Response Plan
The Statewide Planning Manager updated the Emergency Response Plan as outlined by the ASPR TRACIE plan template and incorporated improvement plan (IP) items gained from AzCHER exercises and real-world events, such as the pediatric surge. General membership reviewed and approved the plan on May 30, 2023, with 100% approval. Four regional steering committee meetings were conducted to provide input on the development of the plan, especially reviewing the Communications Pathways and Resource Sharing Process. The workgroups were representative of AzCHER general membership and included representatives from each of the core member types. The plan was updated to include IP items from the AzCHER radiation surge table-top exercise (TTX), the cybersecurity TTX, and Crisis Standards of Care workshops. The following IP items were added to the Response Plan (as related to medical surge): more clearly defined response roles and responsibilities for the Coalition and its members, revised response organizational structure and framework, and alignment with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) All-Hazard Emergency Response Plan. The plan includes updated activation level triggers/notifications to highlight when healthcare facility-level surge plans may or may not be activated. The activation level triggers/notifications are applied to the incident-specific annexes for infectious disease surge, pediatric surge, burn surge, and radiation surge.